
• May 27th, 2024: Submission Portal Opens
• June 29th, 2024: Submission deadline
• July 15th, 2024: Reviews and Decisions Released
• October 6th, 2024: Workshop event


Papers will be limited to up to 8 pages (including text, figures and tables) and up to 2 pages of reference and enabled for double-blind reviewing. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 2 members of the program committee. The selection of the papers will be based on the significance of results, technical merit(s), relevance, and clarity of presentation. The final program will consist of previously unpublished and contributed papers with substantial time allocated to discussion. In case of acceptance, at least one author has to register and present the paper at CMMCA2024.
The paper submission system will be opened on May 27th, 2024. Each paper must be submitted with Primary and Secondary areas selected from Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) system: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/User/Login?ReturnUrl=%2FCMMCA2024. Find out the submission system here or search The 3rd Workshop on Computational Mathematics Modeling in Cancer Analysis in CMT system.
The full manuscript submission deadline will be 23:59, Pacific Time, June 29th, 2024. Please check the programme on the website for further details on the review schedule.
Electronic paper proceedings will be arranged. Accepted papers will be published in a Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) proceeding. Please refer to the submission format guidelines of MICCAI2024 and the LNCS authors’ information page for details. Failure to abide by the formatting guidelines will result in immediate rejection of the paper.
To avoid conflict of interest between authors and reviewers, all co-author information and a complete and accurate list of domain conflicts must be entered in the submission form by the submission deadline. Your paper may be rejected if full authorship and domain conflicts are not disclosed.